Arousal at encoding, arousal at retrieval, interviewer support, and children’s memory for a mild stressorHeather Lench2023-05-09T16:12:05+00:00May 9, 2007|
Belief in an unjust world: When beliefs in a just world failHeather Lench2023-05-09T16:11:13+00:00May 9, 2007|
Anger Disorders: Diagnosing unrecognized mood disordersHeather Lench2023-05-09T16:15:04+00:00May 9, 2006|
My child is better than average: The extension and restriction of unrealistic optimismHeather Lench2023-05-09T16:14:01+00:00May 9, 2006|
The effect of target group size on risk judgments and comparative optimism: The more, the riskierHeather Lench2023-05-09T16:12:58+00:00May 9, 2006|
Effects of fear on risk and control judgments and memory: Implications for health promotion messagesHeather Lench2023-05-09T16:20:18+00:00May 9, 2005|
Anger management: Diagnostic differences and treatment implicationsHeather Lench2023-05-09T16:21:35+00:00May 9, 2004|
Incremental validity of new clinical assessment measuresHeather Lench2023-05-09T16:22:26+00:00May 9, 2003|
Perceived event frequency and the optimistic bias: Evidence for a two-process model of personal risk judgmentsHeather Lench2023-05-09T16:23:18+00:00May 9, 2002|