Prospective Lab Members
Practical Concerns:
- Your first semester in the lab, you can register for a 485, with pass/no pass credit and no paper requirement.
- You MUST register for 3 units. This is the same as taking a class – plan accordingly so you are not overwhelmed.
- Remember, each credit means being expected to work 3 hours a week.
- After your first semester you can register for a 491, with graded credit and a paper requirement. We can talk about potential paper topics and they should be something useful to you and the lab.
What does being a research assistant mean?
- Being a research assistant means that you are part of a psychology research team. Together we will explore the science of psychology and the research process.
What expectations do you need to meet?
- Be prompt, professional, and respectful of participants and colleagues.
- If you are unable to be somewhere or do something, let us know ASAP.
- Express your opinions, needs, and preferences. In order to work well with you, we need to know where you want to go, what experiences you want, and what fascinates you. Although it’s not always possible to place people where they want to be right away, we try to accommodate everyone.
What can you expect from the lab (at a minimum)?
- An exciting and varied experience with multiple projects.
- Experience with data collection, coding, and entry.
- Experience with the scientific process.
- If you meet the expectations listed above, you can expect a letter of recommendation.
What opportunities are there for you (beyond the minimum)?
- We want you to become an expert in some area. This helps you when you move to graduate school and in developing your own interests. This is not something that can be accomplished in one semester.
- Becoming an expert can lead to honor’s theses, publication, or conference collaboration, or the opportunity for individual projects.
How do you become an expert?
- Within your first few weeks here, pick a project that sounds interesting to you and let the project leader know. This doesn’t mean you can’t switch later.
- Get involved in the project, read articles on the subject (we can help), discuss this area during meetings and give updates on your progress to the group.
- Think about what else you might want to know in this area. What questions do you have that seem to be unanswered? Are there other ways to look at the problem? Offer these suggestions in group meetings.